• Phone Issues Our VOIP Provider has just let us know of issues with both our phone lines due to a database and network failure within one of its EU datacentres the details are above and…
  • This one has come up twice this week in regards to two different local authorities and as such, we thought it was time to give its own dedicated blog post so in future we can…
  • Finally, the RICS Home Survey Standards (HSS) have launched and with them, a whole new report format gone is the Home Buyers Reports, Home Condition Survey and the Building Surveys and Hello to Level 1,…
  • We are changing the way we handle reviews and we blogged about this back in August saying we would be changing them adding some short links and a custom domain name to deal with them,…
  • What Does 2021 Bring? This coming year brings with it some challenges for the world following the disaster that was 2020 but there are some interesting changes for the surveying world in 2021 and how…
  • What is a specific defect report / Defect Analysis? Most of our survey reports such as Level 3 Surveys, Commercial Building Surveys are generally designed to provide advice pre-purchase or pre-lease and involve an inspection…
  • We've had a run of clients who have had a survey carried out by local residential surveyors for additional works that for whatever reason they haven't been able to offer there client and they have…
  • I posted back in July about my application for Building Conservation Accreditation (BCAS) with the RICS and I am pleased to confirm back in September following the submission and the peer interview I was successful…
  • We've offered our Roof Surveys using Drones for just over a year and a lot has happened in that year but that's 2020 for you. Now there are changes in legislation that come in today…
  • Back in April we spoke about the work going on behind the scenes the new format surveys are coming along nicely and people seem to like them with the added bonus they care customisation for…